
For those who find useful to transfer the output of their statistics and regressions to Excel, here is another macro that might be useful.

As in the last case, imagine that you are dealing with many tables of statistics and regressions that you have computed with Stata, and you will find useful to take them all to Excel. Such a thing might be useful for visualization, comparing statistics (robustness checks), formatting the tables for presentations or publications, elaborating further graphics, and so on.

Building on the macro presented in the previous post, this time I built another one to deal with importing multiple files simultaneously.

To see how it works, imagine, as an example, that you have 5 key variables that you are analysing and for each of them you have produced 4 tables (corresponding, for example to different estimation methods) and exported each respectively to a text file. That gives a total of 20 tables to be imported from Excel.

First, it might be useful to organize the text files information in a table in Excel as shown in the table below:

Using the information in the previous table, the multipletextload macro will :

i. Generate a new sheet for each variable (one for each row in the reference table) andname the sheet with the name of the corresponding variable.
ii. Paste the contents of all the tables corresponding to a same variable (in columns) within a same sheet, one table next to the right to each other.
iii. In case the macro do not find a specific file (might be the case that you did not want to apply a method for a given variable), will skip it and jump to the next file to import.

The macro uses the macro “Textload” that I have posted in the previous post, so you will have to generate the former one in order to run this one.

In order to run it, just select the contents of the table (in my example first select cells A2:E6 and then run the macro)

[sourcecode language=”vb” firstline=”1″ highlight=”16,22,24,29,35″ padlinenumbers=”false”]

Sub multipletextload()
Dim rgFiles As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Dim sName As String
Dim fName As String
Dim strWork As String

‘Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
strWork = ThisWorkbook.Name
Set rgFiles = Selection
‘Set rgFiles = Range("B2:F4")

For i = 1 To rgFiles.Rows.Count
‘Row i Column 1 has the name of the variable. generate and name new sheet
sName = rgFiles.Cells(i, 1).Value
‘sName = ActiveCell.Value
Sheets.Add(After:=ActiveSheet).Name = sName
‘Add After:=ActiveSheet,
For j = 2 To rgFiles.Columns.Count
‘ Row i Columns 2 onwards have the names of the files to import
fName = rgFiles.Cells(i, j).Value
‘If there is no name in the cell, not do anything
If fName = "" Then

If j = 2 Then
‘ Only the file in Column 2 will be imported into cell (1,1)
Worksheets(sName).Cells(1, 1).Activate
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = fName
Application.Run "Textload"
‘ Application.Run "’reg results_vtest.xlsm’!Textload"
‘ The remaining will be imported to cell location (1,LastCol)
Worksheets(sName).Cells(1, 1).Activate
Set rgLast = Worksheets(sName).Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
‘LastRow = rgLast.Row
LastCol = rgLast.Column
Worksheets(sName).Range("A1").Cells(1, LastCol).FormulaR1C1 = fName
Worksheets(sName).Range("A1").Cells(1, LastCol).Activate
Application.Run "Textload"
End If
End If

Next j
Next i

End Sub


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